9. Recovery of information not delivered to the point of sale


One of the problems that can arise in the process of a transaction is not being able to receive the information back to the point of sale due to various factors (such as intermittent problems, problems with the Internet connection, either due to data or by Wifi etc) that can cause as a consequence that it is a common detail and interrupts the communication of the response received by the terminal and the response that the point of sale must receive.

Examples of scenarios where the response fails to reach the point of sale.

Below we share some scenarios that can be caused by the detail mentioned above:

  • 1.- If the transaction was approved and it is in the process of printing the 2 tickets but there is an intermittence or problem with the internet connection, the response sent to the point of sale cannot be received and the Smart PinPad application will indicate the following error message "We were unable to return the information to the point of sale. Do you want to try again?"

Solution: For this scenario it is important to consider the option below the message that says "More detail". We must press it to obtain error information as shown in the image, through this option you can see if it is a configuration error in the return URL, an intermittent error or if the response is not being caught correctly. In the event that it is an unknown error, then you can go to NetPay support to comment and share the error message in the form of a screenshot indicating the process that was carried out before the error was generated.


In the same way, you can press the Retry button that will allow you to receive the answer again in case you have not been able to due to some intermittence in the internet connection.

  • 2.- During the process of a transaction, if any intermittence or problem occurs in the internet connection, the transaction will be rejected and a ticket will be printed indicating the following message: "Connection error", when this communication between the acquirer is interrupted, the point of sale and the terminal, it is possible that the transaction is successfully reflected in the corresponding web portal that is provided to them and to which they have access to verify its status. Below we present the message that would appear in the Smart PinPad application when this scenario occur.

Solution: If this scenario occurs and the terminal printed a connection error ticket, it can be countered by generating a reverse on the next transaction made or they can perform a transaction of at least 1 cent to trigger the reverse immediately from the previous failed transaction.
If the point of sale cannot make sales with specific amounts (for example $0.01) this operation can be carried out from the terminal but it is required to access another application called Support as shown in the image.


When opening the support application, it shows a button that says Transaction test that allows you to send a sale of 1 cent to the Smart PinPad to counteract this scenario as quickly as possible since the terminal, having presented a connection error, will generate a reversal on the next transaction. If the point of sale does not allow sending sales with a specific amount, this option can be used to send it and also not wait until the next transaction is made by a customer.
Below are the images to access this option presenting the process mentioned above.




Transactions that have already printed a successful sale ticket are no longer prone to a reversal, this transaction can be considered as an approved transaction.

Possible causes of the scenarios

There are several factors that can cause the scenarios discussed above, below we share some of them and recommendations so that it can be reduced as little as possible.

  • Wifi or 4g signal intensity very low: It is a cause that may be present and affect the flow of a normal transaction due to the intermittency of the connection.
  • Data consumed/finished: It may happen that if the transaction is being carried out with a 4G, 3G connection or some other chip network, the available data or megabytes have been exhausted and the return information cannot be received.

  • Multiple devices connected to the network: Keeping multiple devices connected without the network supporting it can cause problems with the internet connection and therefore affect the flow of transactions.

  • Have 2 internet connections activated at the same time (Wifi and 4g): That is, if a Wi-Fi internet connection will be used, we recommend deactivating 4g and the terminal data and vice versa, if a Chip connection will be used, we recommend deactivating the Wi-Fi connection. In this way only an internet connection will predominate and it will not generate intermittence.


These causes mentioned above could affect the flow of the transaction, for these cases we share the following recommendations so that they are avoided as little as possible.

  • Keep only one active connection
  • Access the NetPay Market application and check if it loads the list of applications to verify that the internet connection is working.
  • Check the signal strength of wifi or 4g.
  • Perform a connectivity test.
  • Call and report
    In the event that it is not resolved with the points mentioned above, then we recommend proceeding to report the incident presented to NetPay along with the most specific information possible so that the people in charge can try to replicate it and find a solution. In the same way, we recommend reporting it in the shortest possible time so that the transaction or error can be located more easily and more information can be obtained.

Recommendations for developers integrating NetPay services with point of sale.

If you are a developer or provider of the point of sale that has integrated NetPay services, we recommend
have implemented the following characteristics and/or functionalities that can help to recover the information in case of not receiving the answer to the point of sale.

  • Reprint

This operation can be used when the response fails to reach the point of sale but the terminal was able to print successful transaction tickets and the sale has been approved.

To make a reprint, it is necessary to have the following information:

{{serialNumber}} : Serial number. 10-digit numeric string located on the back of the terminal (S/N).
{{storeId}} : Merchant identifier number assigned by terminal.
{{access_token}} : Access token needed to consume the service. See get access token.
{{orderId}} : Order number generated when making a sale. View return information from the terminal.
traceability: JSON object to send relevant information for trade (Optional).

When performing the reprint, the JSON response of the sale will return with its corresponding values ​​and that they can take to register in their database and close the sale.

For more information on this operation, you can view it in the Reprint section or directly at this link [Steps to implement a reprint.](https://docs.netpay.com.mx/reference/reimpression#steps-for- implement-a-reprint)

DOUBT also mention reprint for sale with approved ticket above.